How to germinate cannabis seeds | peat pellet method

In our previous post we showed you how to germinate cannabis seeds using wet paper towel method. That method is good, but not perfect. To transplant those sprouted seeds you would have to touch them directly, which is not good. Freshly germinated seeds are like babies, you wouldn’t want to touch fetus with your hands that have oils and dirt on them. Same goes for sprouted seeds. It has to be sterile, so you would want to make as less direct contact with it as possible.

How to germinate cannabis seeds using peat pellets
Freshly sprouted cannabis plant

Lets talk how to germinate cannabis seeds using peat pellets. We highly recommend using this method over wet paper towel method as this one is safer can gives you a better success rate.

For this to work you will need peat pellets, you can find them in any gardening store or order them online. These pellets contain lots of nutrients for your freshly sprouted seeds. They come in small, dry, compressed pellets. Peat pellets are not very expensive and definitely worth the price. They look like this:

How to germinate cannabis seeds using jiffy peat pellets
Jiffy peat pellets

How to germinate cannabis seeds using peat pellets – process

Expanded jiffy pellets
Expanded pellets

Once you have the pellets it’s time to prepare them. Soak them with water, we suggest that you’d use distilled water as tap water contains a lot of stuff that is not very good for these fragile younglings. Leave them for about 10 minutes and they will expand.

After 10 minutes (+/-) they should look something like this —>
You can plant your seeds in them. Use a pen to make small holes in them, about 1/2 inch deep. Put your seed using pair of tweezers in that hole and cover it up. One pellet should hold one seed for best possible results.

When you plant seeds into wet pellets, they begin their life. You should see them sprouting in 2-7 days period. Throughout this time, keep the pellets moist and warm ( 20-25°C). If they dry out, that might be the end of it. If you get good quality seeds, there’s nearly 100% success rate that they will germinate.

How to germinate cannabis seeds using peat pellets – next step

So your seeds have sprouted after 2-7 days. What’s next ? When you seed that your seeds popped out, you need to put them under direct light, cause once they pop, they crave for that light. Will it be grow light or sunlight, that’s entirely up to you and your chosen growing method. You need to do one more thing – transplant them into pots. Don’t pull them out of the pellet, there’s a very good chance you will destroy the plant. Just bury plant with the whole pellet. Roots will eventually go straight through pellet.

Germinating cannabis seeds using jiffy pellets - transplantation
Transplanted cannabis plants

Congratulations! You’ve germinated some seeds. Now let ’em babies grow.

Where to get good quality seeds?

We have been using the service of “I love growing marijuana“. They ship very good quality seeds , and if you buy 10 or more seeds they throw in 10 more free off charge. They ship seeds worldwide, but if you live in a country that don’t have marijuana legalized, be cautious, make sure no one finds out about it. Be smart, be safe.